Monday, March 7, 2011

Chapter19: Babies Having Babies

Sometimes I dislyk being a woman. Theres all this pressure 2b a wife and a mom. But fortunately- I am my own person, I dnt care wat ppl think or expect of me. Iv decided for myself that those roles will not define me or “complete” me. I know that most chicks my age wanna be married and be pregnant and be moms- and girls if that is wat wil make u happy- GO AHEAD!!!! But im happy ryt now wit who I am, wat I hav, wat I dnt hav.

As little girl I had dreams of wanting a big poofy white dress, an impossibly enormous cake, millions of guests which I didn’t kno but wanted 2 show off too, wanting random strangers to rub my belly when I look lyk a watermelon. Really I did. Then I grew up & realized- I dnt want marriage- I want a wedding. & I can hav millions of weddings once I do my Wedding Planner business. And the notion of having children still excites me but I kno that I dnt hav 2b the size of a watermelon or fuck up my vagina 4 EVER just to have a child. I could adopt or have a surrogate. I really love my vagina. More than my face. #truestory

Listen, im not belittling the process of being pregnant and giving birth. Im sure it’s a life changing experience blah blah blah- all im saying is my life has had enough life changing experiences I dnt need to be pregnant to experience anymore. I hav had enuf drama & excitement. Im willing to be that aunty who lives in a nice house, has nice cars & good hair 2 ur kids. The one who hits them when they step outta line & teaches them that money rules the world.

I love the idea of creating something & nurturing it to be someone a valuable member of society- but I repeat I dnt need to give birth to do that. My 14 yr old cuzin has a useless mother. When I was 10 I was changing his nappies, feeding him, playin wit him when that bitch had parties to go to. My family has since been takin care of him- his father is my uncle. And when my uncle did I vowed never to let that boy go back to his mothers care cos she’s never been interested in parent- but is there 2buy him Carvela & fashionable clothes. She’s not there when he fails a test, makes the 1st team at Soccer or Hockey, not there 2buy him his school or sport equipment, not there to help him pick High Schools. Even though she is 50% of him genetically and I am only lyk 15% or something- I have been there 4 most of his life changing experiences. And that to me is what makes a parent.

It breaks my heart to see headlines of babies being found in the trash or mothers claiming their babies were kidnapped when she has thrown her child away. It makes no sense to me. I get and remember that our teenage years were probably the dumbest phase of our lives. If I cud i'd ship all teenagers 2sum random island and bring them back to civilization when they 20! But what are parents and schools doing to inform children about their choices?  Clearly Abstinence doesn’t work. & ignoring unprotected sex warnings also hasn’t been working. Can we just be transparent & honest tho?!?!?

Unprotected sex + Not knowing ur options = Death or an unwanted baby.
“being in love” + not knowing ur options =  Death or an unwanted baby

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